How Garlic Affects Your Health: Nutrition Professionals Weigh In


How Garlic Affects Your Health: Nutrition Professionals Weigh In

Garlic, a pungent member of the lily family, is more than just a culinary staple. Used for centuries for its medicinal properties, garlic has gained renewed interest for its potential health benefits. But what does the latest research say? We spoke to registered dietitians (RDs) to explore how garlic can impact your well-being.

Potential Benefits of Garlic:

  • Immune System Support: RDs acknowledge garlic's historical use for fighting illness. Allicin, a compound formed when garlic is chopped or crushed, exhibits antimicrobial properties. Studies suggest garlic may help reduce the severity and duration of the common cold.

  • Heart Health: Garlic's impact on heart health is a topic of ongoing research. Some studies show promise for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, key risk factors for heart disease.

  • Other Potential Benefits: Garlic may offer additional benefits like reducing inflammation, boosting bone health, and even aiding in weight management, although more research is needed in these areas.

Safety and Considerations:

While generally safe for most people, garlic can cause side effects like heartburn, gas, and bad breath, especially when consumed raw. RDs advise caution for individuals taking blood thinners or with certain medical conditions. It's always best to consult your doctor before incorporating significant amounts of garlic into your diet.

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Garlic:

RDs recommend incorporating garlic into your meals in moderation. Chopping or crushing garlic activates allicin, maximizing its potential health benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Garlic offers a range of potential health benefits, including immune support and heart health.
  • More research is ongoing to fully understand garlic's impact.
  • Enjoy garlic in moderation and consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

Final Thought from the RDs:

Garlic is a versatile and flavorful addition to many dishes. While it may not be a miracle cure, incorporating garlic into your diet as part of a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being.


This article provides general information only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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