Yoga for Flexibility and Balance

Yoga for Flexibility and Balance

Yoga is most known for its ability to increase flexibility and improve balance. The elements are important for your all round health and can really help give you a better life. This is helpful for anyone from an athlete seeking better performance or an older person looking to maintain mobility.

The Importance of Flexibility and Balance

Prevention of injury: 

Elastic muscle high activities and can promote balanced movement, reducing the likelihood of injury.

Increased Athletic Performance: 

When an athlete experiences increased range of motion and stability in their movements.

Better Posture-

 Nothing is worse than sitting at a desk all day with poor posture, give your back and neck some relief from the pain by investing in functional training exercises that corrects bad postures.

Consider Walking: 

Improved flexibility and balance mean more ease-efficiency in your activities of daily living.

Yoga Poses to Improve Flexibility

1. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

This pose helps to stretch the hamstrings, calves and spine.

1.Stand with your feet hip- width apart

2.Bend at the hips, keeping your back straight and allowing you to fold over in front of your legs.

3.Put your head and neck in a relaxed position down to the floor.

2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This posture is a foundational one for yoga, and it stretches the whole of the posterior body.

1.Begin on your hands and knees with your palms positioned shoulder-distance apart, feet hip-width distance.

2.Come to an inverted V by raising your hips towards the ceiling.

3.Tube your heels to the floor, and straighten your back

3. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Terrific for expanding the chest, and strengthening the back.

1.Start on all fours with your palms under your shoulders.

2.Push into your hands to lift up through the chest.

3.Elbows lightly flexed, shoulders shrugs up.

4. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

This pose is a deep stretch for the hips.

1.Start in a tabletop position.

2.Now move your right knee in between, behind it keep placing the wrist of right hand.

3.As you return your left leg back, pull it down towards the chair as if set on sitting.

4.Lean forward over your right leg.

Top Yoga Poses for Balance

1. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Strengthens legs and core, classic balance pose

1.Stand tall and lean your weight into the right foot

2.Rest the sole of your left foot on your right inner thigh or calf (don't rest it on the knee).

3.Press your hands together at the chest or extend them overhead.

2. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III)

This is a balancing position and will work out the entire body.

1.Place your weight on the right & extend back with left leg.

2.Lean forward with your upper body until that is parallel to the floor and

3.Hold your arms out in front or to the sides of you for balance

3. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

It Can help you to balance better while stretching the legs and hips.

1.You are going to start with your feet together and step back on reach leg as you lunge.

2.Place your right hand down on the floor or a block, in line with shoulder.

3.Kick your left leg in line with the ground and reach for the ceiling by placing your hand forward.

4. Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana)

Integrates balance, strength and flexibility.

1.Rise and transfer your bodyweight onto the left leg.

2.Bend your right knee and hold onto your right ankle with the right hand

3.Reach your right arm forward while lifting your left leg behind you.


How to Stay Flexible and Balance Reach

Consistency: If you practice regularly, you will eventually improve.

Conscious Breathing: Breathe deeply and steadily to ease into each posture.

Pay Respect to Your Body: Make sure that you are not pushing your body unless and until it is required by the situation, flexibility & balancing don't come overnight.

Bring in the props: Blocks, straps and walls are great for propping you up so that it is easier to keep your alignment and get supported.


One great thing to do is practice yoga - which will support flexibility and balance. Those are a good starting point for anyone wanting to develop these parts. The more you come back to it again and again, the better comfortable and confident mover will become both on your mat as well out of one.

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